Sunday, December 18, 2011

Two weeks of parenthood Alhamdulillah

Dear Little One,

:). Umi and Abi thought that you'll be coming the previous month. But Umi was getting the false alarm. So the coming month Umi was being a bit negligence. Umi was not taking the folic acid anymore cause it causes Umi headache and giddiness. And this time Umi tried to act a little bit 'cool'. Not realising that you will be giving us a surprise.

And that month was special to Umi and Abi. We celebrated Abi's birthday and our third anniversary. For three years we've been celebrating those for two, by not realising that this year there are actually three of us :), alhamdulillah. Umi and Abi have been waiting for you, and you are the best birthday gift ever for Abi.

Your presence was confirmed when Umi was in India. Abi received the delightful news with Hamdalah. And of course your grandpas and g'mas get to know the news first. Everybody was excited. Umi was well, but it seemed that Abi got all the pregnancy symptoms. Abi was unwell for one week until Abi fainted and was given drip in the emergency department.

The excitement started to fade away when Umi started to have spotting at 6 weeks of pregnancy. Abi rushed home and stayed with Umi until the third day Umi started to bleed heavily. For an hour Umi had the non-stop contraction. Abi brought Umi to emergency department and at that time we knew that we have lost you. Allah loves you more, alhamdulillah. Umi stayed in hospital for two nights and Abi was there most of the time with Umi. Many of your makcik-s (hehe) came to visit Umi, and not to forget those who keeps Umi strong with their sms of encouragements and dua's. Jzkk

For some time Umi and Abi felt so empty. We shed tears over the lost of you, our first little one yet we know that Allah has better plans for us. Thank you Allah for giving us the chance to feel the nikmat and the sweetness of parenthood for two weeks. And of course we will always pray that we will be given the chance again, together with the chance to raise our own children up according to Your Sibghah, iAllah and ameen.

And we will also pray for other husband and wife who are still striving for a baby, just like us. Make a lot of dua's and never give up. Follow your doctor's advice cause it really helps iAllah.

And of course we need your dua's too :).

Abu 'Abd al-Rahman 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud, radiyallahu 'anhu, reported: The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, the most truthful, the most trusted, told us:

"Verily the creation of any one of you takes place when he is assembled in his mother's womb; for forty days he is as a drop of fluid, then it becomes a clot for a similar period. Thereafter, it is a lump looking like it has been chewed for a similar period. Then an angel is sent to him, who breathes the ruh (spirit) into him. This Angel is commanded to write Four decrees: that he writes down his provision (rizq), his life span, his deeds, and whether he will be among the wretched or the blessed.

I swear by Allah - there is no God but He - one of you may perform the deeds of the people of Paradise till there is naught but an arm's length between him and it, when that which has been written will outstrip him so that he performs the deeds of the people of the Hell Fire; one of you may perform the deeds of the people of the Hell Fire, till there is naught but an arm's length between him and it, when that which has been written will overtake him so that he performs the deeds of the people of Paradise and enters therein."

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ramadhan Kareem

Ramadhan datang lagi.
Alhamdulillah ini Ramadhan ketiga yang saya lalui di Malaysia sejak pulang dari Australia.
Dan Ramadhan ketiga juga yang saya lalui setelah bergelar isteri kepada suami tersayang :)

Saya masih ingat lagi ramadhan terakhir saya di Australia. Sewaktu itu saya bergelar intern di frankston hospital dan saya bekerja 7 malam berturut-turut dan akan bercuti 7 hari berikutnya. Alhamdulillah saya sempat bertarawikh kerana masuk kerja jam 10 malam. ketika itu juga saya menerima kunjungan pelajar2 dari new zealand yang ingin merasai suasana Ramadhan di Australia. ketika itu saya hanya tidur 1-2 jam sehari kerana apabila balik kerja saya akan meluangkan masa dengan mereka.

baru-baru ini saya terjumpa dengan salah seorg dari mereka di sebuah masjid di sh alam, berdekatan dengan sebuah pusat persediaan. ukht H datang ke situ untuk berjumpa dengan adik-adik beliau, dengan tujuan yang sama seperti mana saya menemui ukht H suatu ketika dahulu. tarbiyyah. cuma sekarang kami berada di bawah payung yang berbeza.

dgn cepat sms sy kirimkan pada suami. suami apa lagi, memberi arahan untuk saya mengambil peluang ini menerangkan kpd ukht H selama 5 min ttg fikrah yg kami yakini. saya pula yg terkebil2. alamak, nak start dr mana ni? takkan la pula nak bacakan teks pidato suami saya hehe. 5 minit je.

ternyata sy tidak berjaya. maka secara percuma saya mendapat tutorial dari suami di dalam kereta ;). dalam keadaan sekarang logik mesti mengatasi emosi. kerana dakwah kita bukan hanya bersandarkan emosi.

inshaAllah. moga ketemu lagi ukht H :)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Long vacation

Assalamualaikum wrh wbt.

At last, after a long vacation. last night tiba-tiba teringat kat blog ni. it has been two years since i last wrote. bile tengok balik banyak pulak entry pasal bm. sekarang pon memang tengah musim bm. ucapan selamat kepada yang baru berumah tangga, ukhti fazliana, ukht syida, ukht aimi dan pasangan masing-masing. beserta mereka yang bakal mendirikan rumah tangga tidak lama lagi.

last year i wrote no entry at all. the reason was very clear, i had my housemanship at HKL last year. it was a nightmare at certain point. but somehow i appreciate my year at HKL. i can still remember the feeling of doing calls in medical and O&G department. non-stop patient coming in means no sleep at all. however i'm quiet good at short napping, so i usually manage to get some sleep while finishing my medical report. weekends usually mean work. if no calls over the weekend, at least i had the morning round finishing around one. mr hubby was doing his good job. he supported me in every way he could. emotionally, physically, financially, tolerating, compromising, understanding, caring and loving. alhamdulillah. without his support i would not be where i am today.

now the torment is all over. i'm at kk at the moment. it has been no calls since a year ago. such a relief that i now have more time for mr hubby (except that now we are far apart, yet always close at heart iALlah), families, akhawati, dakwah and blogging! alhamdulillah.

too many things had happened. time flies. green grass grows. blue seas sometime roar causing tsunami as ordered by Allah. but none is better than what has happened. they made me grow up. thank you Allah.

:). alhamdulillah.